Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 8th Photo of the Week

There was no doubt which photo it would be this week, especially with us writing about taking the time to "stop and smell the flowers" in our lives, by realizing that every day is a GIFT, not only to remember how blessed our own lives are, but to reach out in faith to make a difference to someone else.

This is little Ben. He is in one of our foster care programs in Anhui province. We all loved noticing that his foster mom allowed him to take the time to stop and pick some flowers. Is there any better moment than when a little child comes running up with a handful of dandelions picked just for you?

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and an "oh so filled with love" Mother's Day. Here's to all the mothers in this world....young ones and old ones, birthmoms and adoptive moms, close moms and far away moms, those we are fortunate enough to be able to call or hug, and all of those who have passed on but whose memories will live forever.


  1. LOVE IT!!!!!

    and not just because I have a baby named BEN!;)

    Sweet little pumpkin.


  2. Ben is so adorable!

    Happy Mothers Day to all of you as well! Your work is so very precious and I am praying for the mothers of every child you touch to be blessed.
