Monday, March 30, 2009

Just One Word

Several of us at LWB have been learning how to Twitter, and for someone who writes stories which are always WAY too long, learning how to get a message across in 140 characters or less is quite a feat. (The rest of the team is doing much better than me at it, by the way). Today I was thinking about brevity and wondering if I would be able to sum up some of my experiences with orphaned children in just a few words. To challenge myself, I decided to only allow one word per experience. It was harder than I thought!

Give it a try. If you could only use one word to get across how you feel about adoption, what would it be? These will be the shortest comments in history. : -)



  1. Delightful-loving-WOW-blessed-experience.

    Okay, so that's not one word, but I just couldn't quite narrow it down.

  2. Humbling!

    But then I would add...awesome, blessed, and life-changing. :)

  3. unpredictable
    (as I wait for my LOA!!!)

    ha ha

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I can't choose just one! Too hard of a school assignment for this woman who loves words. :-)

    But all of yours were great! Tonight, after a final goodnight hug and having them safely in bed, I have to go with GLORIOUS. Remind me of that tomorrow when TJ asks me "why?" for the 18 millionth time!


  6. Protracted!

    (We have been waiting 3 years for our referral from China :))

  7. Life-changing ~~ Are hyphens allowed? I, too, have a problem with just one word ;)

  8. Bao-bei (I believe it means treasured child)

  9. It's already been said, but mine is also

